Vikram Srinivasan


The Duke Chronicle

Thinking about thinking

Attention Duke: We have an epidemic. I am describing the phenomenon of the self-regarding student “intellectual” who, by virtue of his obvious high intelligence and Duke education, assumes the full...

The Duke Chronicle

A grade-inflated solution

Duke may be in the Final Four, but according to former professor of hydrology Stuart Rojstaczer, it doesn’t even belong in the Sweet Sixteen. Rojstaczer, a well-known critic of grade inflation, was...

The Duke Chronicle

No more free yearbooks

For such a sparsely used product, The Chanticleer receives a colossal amount of funding and seems to be subject to a different set of funding rules than other student groups.

The Duke Chronicle

Bring Great books to Duke

Perhaps Duke expects too much of its freshmen. It’s no secret that many have no idea what they want to study, even into their sophomore or junior years. Amid this confusion, I wonder whether the...

The Duke Chronicle

T-Reqs without teeth?

Based on the decision of Trinity College administrators to review the ill-defined Quantitative Studies requirements, you might make the inference that our T-Reqs are cavity-free save for a few...

The Duke Chronicle

A misdirected choice

You’d think Duke Student Government President Awa Nur, a senior, was expressing common sense when she told me that “students know the difference between choice and non-choice” in their dining...

The Duke Chronicle

Activism gone awry

It has been said that Duke lacks an active culture of “activism.” Too often, we do not stop to consider what the term means. If the past few weeks’ events at UC campuses are what “activism” looks...

The Duke Chronicle

A disservice to service

If one were to list the distinctive experiences characteristic of Duke undergraduate life, Duke Dining horror stories do not come immediately to mind. Yet, for a striking number of students, the...

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