Crime and the community
By Vanessa Hamer | March 8, 2003"Rash of car break-ins." "Man charged for carrying gun." "Pizza pilfered.
"Rash of car break-ins." "Man charged for carrying gun." "Pizza pilfered.
Though the late August sun blankets the entire Houston metropolitan area, no one feels the heat quite like the grim figure making his way down the courthouse steps.
esearch university versus liberal arts college: High school seniors hear the phrases as they pore over glossy brochures and fill out college applications, but what really is the difference between...
You won't be able to pay at George's Garage with a swipe of your DukeCard anytime soon.
Beginning next year, the University's foreign language options may include graduate-level courses and a minor in Portuguese, the tongue of 170 million people worldwide.
Assessment and discussion of this year's freshman orientation has led to a push for a more intellectual focus.