Shruti Rao


The Duke Chronicle

What is a Young Trustee?

Due to the murky role of Young Trustee and a general lack of investment, students get overwhelmed by the myriad of endorsements and new profile pictures.

The Duke Chronicle

YOLO: You only Lima once

In the midst of the everyday stress that exams, papers and classes bring us, it can be hard to appreciate everything that is happening on our campus.

The Duke Chronicle


Have you ever had one of those moments that snaps you out of the mundane day-to-day issues that typically bother you?

The Duke Chronicle

Too sweet

While students try to resist the traditionally “unhealthy” foods at Marketplace at the pizza and burger stations, research shows that greasy and high-fat foods aren’t the only contributors to weight gain.

The Duke Chronicle

​Made in America

We cannot and should not fight the proliferation of technology and instead need to focus on building the type of educational infrastructure that supports a knowledge-based society.

The Duke Chronicle

Brighten up

I believe that the greatness of this nation doesn’t come just from our politics or our media, but from the steady and impressive accomplishments that we collectively work towards day by day.

The Duke Chronicle

Turn (out) the vote

The chance of Clinton winning is currently sitting at approximately 54 percent and Trump winning are 45 percent. In this incredibly close election, it has never been more important for young people, and Duke students, to get out and vote.

The Duke Chronicle


So if you can’t wait to live off campus and cook for yourself or if you yearn for the days when you were a wide-eyed freshman wearing a lanyard, then just stop, breathe and soak in quasi-adulthood. It’s not all that bad.

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