Rachna Reddy


The Duke Chronicle

Sandbox, Feb. 16

Valentine’s Day forces couples to squeeze a least several month’s worth of chocolates, flowers and overt displays of affection into one evening.

The Duke Chronicle

Editor's Note

New Year’s Eve passed weeks ago, but with this page, Towerview begins 2012. It is a middle, not a start for a magazine whose editors change by the academic calendar. Still, in this first issue of...

The Duke Chronicle

Editors' Note

Mohsen Kadivar, an Ayatollah, dissident and Iranian exile who now teaches at Duke, dedicated his first book to his father. “A humble teacher,” Kadivar calls him, “practicing reason, religiosity,...

The Duke Chronicle

Editors' Note

We finish October wearing masks. Cloaked in cloaks, hair under wigs, eyes canopied by false lashes. Costumed masses will parade Franklin Street, unrecognizable. On Halloween, we experience the...

The Duke Chronicle

Editors' Note

The weather plans to turn cold tomorrow. By “cold,” we mean forecasts predict a drop to 56-degrees Farenheight in Durham. North Carolina routinely cushions us out of summer, remaining sultry and...

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