Work hard, play hard?
By Malavika Prabhu | April 27, 2005One of the most pervasive clichés regarding this institution is the “work hard, play hard” stereotype.
One of the most pervasive clichés regarding this institution is the “work hard, play hard” stereotype.
In the wake of Jésica Santillán's mismatched organ transplant, Duke University Hospital implemented a series of safety measures targeted at the organ transplant procedure to ensure that such...
While tomorrow marks the one-year anniversary of Jésica Santillán's botched heart-lung transplant at Duke University Hospital, little has been resolved in her case despite extended discussion...
With a short 54-minute State of the Union address Tuesday, President George W.
Trimeris, a small Research Triangle Park pharmaceutical firm that produced the first drug in a new class of HIV medications last year, has recently encountered some bumps in the road. .
With patient safety becoming an increasingly dominant theme for Duke University Health System, officials are looking to upgraded technology systems to improve safety and quality of care.
More than a month after Duke University Hospital pledged to improve patient safety, the Pediatric Patient Safety Program is fully underway.
Duke University Health System has been steadily working to institute several measures to ensure patient safety over the past year and is striding forward with additional plans to continue to...
In a paper published today in the Journal of Academic Medicine, Chancellor of Health Affairs Dr. Ralph Snyderman and Dean of the School of Medicine Dr.
Duke University Health System's budget for fiscal year 2003 showed its strongest performance since the creation of the Health System five years ago.