Leo Goldberg


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A man, a plan, a canal, America?

When it comes to relations with Latin America, the United States has historically viewed the region as its personal playground, granting itself the right to intervene economically and militarily in its own “backyard” wherever it deems appropriate. This self-bestowed prerogative which defined American foreign policy towards its Southern neighbors for most of the 20th century was invariably carried out at the expense of the sovereign rights of Latin American states

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Biden’s Israel policy has been a disaster. Don’t be fooled into thinking Trump’s would be better.

As Duke students and Americans alike prepare to head to the polls, Gaza remains a key issue for many, myself included. I deeply sympathize with the frustrations of millions of Americans who are rightly outraged at what they see occurring in Gaza everyday. But we should not make the mistake of thinking that Trump will rectify Biden’s blunders in Palestine.

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