Kim Roller


The Duke Chronicle

Arts: Manbites Devils

Symbiotic relationships seem to occur as much in art as they do in science - take it from Visiting Lecturer of Theater Studies Jay O'Berski, who notes the give and take between Duke's drama...

The Duke Chronicle

Namely Performance

Performance artist Claire Porter's newest piece, Namely, Muscles, begins to answer one of Shakespeare's most relentless questions: What's in a name?.

The Duke Chronicle

Hot Coffee

For some, the biggest jive about the Blue Devil Beanery isn't the java but the guys behind the counter serving it.

The Duke Chronicle

Baa, Baa, Billy

In the middle of a Billy's Goatee practice, one member shouts out, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if we did this?" The 10 other people in the room turn to look at the girl pounding on her stomach for...

The Duke Chronicle

Hoof 'n' Horn Finishes Dickens

Whodunit? Sadly for fans of Victorian literature, Charles Dickens died before he could tell us, leaving his solitary murder/detective novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood unresolved.

The Duke Chronicle

Welcome to Bali-Wood

On the island of Bali, traditional dance captures the spirit of ceremonies and corresponds with religious rituals and family and community events.

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