Kevin Ogorzalek


The Duke Chronicle

Experience Necessary?

Last year, The Chronicle featured possible replacements for retiring President Nan Keohane. The list, while distinguished and long, lacked a bit of pizzazz.

The Duke Chronicle

Moving is so Hot Right Now

It was amateur hour last week on East and West campuses. Parents eager to dump their kids, while the youngins were rushing to bid their parents adieu for a year of higher learning and debauchery.

The Duke Chronicle

The Missing Grey Zone

Following in the footsteps of President George W. Bush, U.S. News and World Report columnist Michael Barone managed to classify Americans into two camps.

The Duke Chronicle

Vacation and family time

My brother stood next to me crying and I insecurely grasped $25 as we watched the silver '84 Chevy Caprice Classic station wagon disappear over a Nebraska hill.

The Duke Chronicle

Corporate greed and the common man

CNBC's Laurence Kudlow recently rationalized Enron's recent collapse, marking the greatest bankruptcy the United States has ever seen, by stating that in a free market economy there will be winners...

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