Column: Remember to be safe, smart and not stupid
By From Inside the Bubble: Jonathan Pattillo | January 9, 2004Well another year has come and gone.
Well another year has come and gone.
Dear citizens of North Carolina: A storm is gathering in your great state. I'm not talking about the next big hurricane or the annual Andy Griffith look-alike festival.
Two thousand and three is a year which marks many things. To some it is the culmination of the successful presidency of one of the greatest fundraisers in the country, President Nan Keohane.
A long, long time ago (about say, 20 years) a tale occurred so remarkable that people still speak of it to this day. It has been passed down ever since from class to class.
With being one of the top institutions in the country comes the responsibility of staying at the top, and today's universities will stop at almost nothing to ensure a school's greatness is secure.