Institutional memories
By DSG Series | April 15, 2014Lately, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed by how short four years really is.
Lately, I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed by how short four years really is.
In the upcoming weeks, prospective Blue Devils will be visiting our campus to get a feel for Duke as they make their college decision.
To an outsider, the Duke experience is represented by the iconic Duke Chapel, our world-renowned hospital, Cameron Crazies bundled up in K-ville and a focus on undergraduate research.
I’ll never forget the smiling, cheerful face of the Marketplace employee who swiped us in every Friday morning.
When I announced that I would be presenting our proposed new rules and procedures, the DSG Senate heaved an understandable collective groan.
“A white man is superior to a negro.” What would you do if these words were etched in marble over the entrance to your freshman dorm?
Last week at a Duke Student Government Senate meeting, we heard from two students about The 40 Percent Plan, a proposal to dramatically alter the DSG constitution and restrict the power and funding...
It was an evening in early September, around dusk.
I will be honest and fess up now. I am a radical when it comes to residential life and civic engagement on campus.
My job is incredibly rewarding but also requires hours of behind-the-scenes work and preparation. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to myself, the line monitors and the work we do...