Drew Everson


The Duke Chronicle

While you still can

Let’s admit it: We’re all overachievers here. We worked hard to get here, and we work hard now that we are here. I would even say that we work too hard.

The Duke Chronicle

While you still can

Let's admit it: We're all overachievers here. We worked hard to get here, and we work hard now that we are here. I would even say that we work too hard. Rather than treat college like they do in...

The Duke Chronicle

To Central we go!

As I observed my roommate fail miserably at making Jell-O Monday night, I realized there are lifestyle difficulties to living in a dorm room. My roommate likes to cook, but unfortunately there is...

The Duke Chronicle

Let it rock

Oh how we all love pop music. Whether driving our grindage at Shooter's (properly pronounced Shoot-uh's! The exclamation point is a must), bumpin in our car or listening to it on our iPod (I try...

The Duke Chronicle

Phelps and his (Alcapulca) Gold

He is a 14-time gold medalist, a fixture of every girl's sex fantasies and a face of international swimming. But is Michael Phelps also a marijuana user? Yeah, Phelps was caught smoking pot at the...

The Duke Chronicle

His Cabinet, my Cabinet

With all the hoopla of the inauguration over, the hope in our country has reached an all-time high. Soon enough, the government will screw something else up (as it was created to do) and that hope...

The Duke Chronicle

Consumerism: heck, yeah

In the spirit of an annual ritual, in progress this week, involving the thorough evaluation of about 40 percent of our female friends-aka sorority rush-I feel like someone should talk about our...

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