Letter: One thing I wish for Duke
By Don Taylor | March 2, 2020A Swastika or a Noose left under the cover of night is not how a scholar communicates, but how a coward seeks to inflict harm on others while avoiding any costs to themselves.
A Swastika or a Noose left under the cover of night is not how a scholar communicates, but how a coward seeks to inflict harm on others while avoiding any costs to themselves.
White supremacy need not be noisy, and its essence is the quiet default that white America is the ideal, making everyone else “other” who must strive to belong.
Duke University has endured a series of racial epithets and symbols of domestic terrorism and white supremacy during my 22 years as a professor at Duke.
My top priority as director of the Benjamin N. Duke scholarship program is to make sure that the best students from North and South Carolina apply to Duke. That is the only way we can consider them...