Memories highlight four years at Duke
By David Margolis | April 14, 2000Endings always invite records and retrospectives. Last year, the media's millennial maelstrom marked the end of the 20th century with a myriad of lists.
Endings always invite records and retrospectives. Last year, the media's millennial maelstrom marked the end of the 20th century with a myriad of lists.
Chris Rock once joked that the reason why "whitey" designated February as Black History Month was because it is the shortest month of the year.
Two weeks ago, Recess Senior Editor Norbert Schürer told me that he thought I might replace him as "the most hated man at Duke.
These columns have to be turned in two nights before they are going to be published, but I am going to go out on a limb here to say that last night's basketball game was magnificent.
After exams last December, I needed a release from the ache of frustration. I had brought myself to the very brink of insanity by mentally dissecting the week's events over and over.
After buying a new paperback at the Book Exchange, or after seeing an artsy movie at the Carolina Theatre, I often wonder on my way back to campus what can be done for downtown Durham.
One of the most common complaints I hear from the freshmen who live in my hall in Gilbert-Addoms Dormitory, where I am a resident adviser, concerns the mandatory University Writing Course.
If you are reading this column at noon on Tuesday, Sept. 28, stop right now. You have only 96 more hours to prepare for the Law School Admissions Test.
The following is the amazing but true confession of a Trinity senior in Math 31L.