Brendan Szulik



Never Let Me Go

Director Mark Romanek shows his prowess through suggestive imagery and dialogue, never telling the viewer the whole truth.



Many of us prefer thestrals and three-pointers to thoroughbreds, but the recent movie Secretariat is well worth the watch.

The Duke Chronicle

How To Train Your Dragon

Whether you’re a hardcore football player or a lovely little lass, this movie will find the scaly chink in your dragon armor and make you giggle with glee.

The Duke Chronicle


In 10 years, we may look back at Whiteout and call it genre-defining. I know of no other movie that more aptly embodies the category of films that should never have been made.

The Duke Chronicle

hannah montana: the movie

Earlier this year, I almost joined the "Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana for LDOC" Facebook group. After seeing Hannah Montana: The Movie, I am counting my good blessings that Ben Folds and Gym Class...

The Duke Chronicle


I have a crush on Kristen Stewart. Maybe it's because of the dark, emotional roles that seem to attract her. Maybe it was her part in Twilight that got me hooked. But really, I think it's because...

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