Ben Zhang


The Duke Chronicle

Role models

So, as I wrap up this column and say farewell to Duke, I urge those reading to consider what sort of future they want for themselves. 

The Duke Chronicle

Helicopter no more

Recently, I was listening to a lecture. As is the case with many such talks, an anecdote was told in order to transition into an overarching point.

The Duke Chronicle

Cynics beware

A few years ago, I was perusing the archives of a college student newspaper. It was the end of the year, the time for graduating columnists to sit down and pen their last piece.

The Duke Chronicle

Working for top dollar

If you’ve taken a couple of computer science classes at Duke over the last few years, you’ve probably noticed something surprising.

The Duke Chronicle

Adapt to survive

This is the “adaptation-level phenomenon” at work: the force that turns new and exciting into old and dull.

The Duke Chronicle

Ungracious in defeat

We must not allow people to blame anyone and anything but themselves for their defeats, even though it may be easier for them to do so.

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