If there is anything that all Duke students can collectively get behind, it’s that Duke Parking & Transportation is the worst.
While close staff-student friendships are considered unconventional at Duke, they shouldn’t be.
“Why do you always need to be achieving something?”
Often, it is hard to conceptualize the absence of something, such as the absence of racism towards white people.
One should never think they are doing “charity” work when engaging in Durham.
After reading two fellow columnists’ articles concerning affiliation at Duke, I was disheartened.
“You got your freshmen, ROTC guys, preps, JV jocks, Asian nerds, cool Asians, varsity jocks, unfriendly black hotties, girls who eat their feelings, girls who don't eat anything, desperate wannabes, burnouts, sexually active band geeks, the greatest people you will ever meet, and the worst. Beware of The Plastics.”