The journey continues
By Alison Stuebe | March 31, 1999I first watched ACC basketball in March of 1983, cheering on North Carolina State's men in their improbable national championship run.
I first watched ACC basketball in March of 1983, cheering on North Carolina State's men in their improbable national championship run.
Seniors will leave the University having witnessing a year of sweeping change.
The Class of 1995's sophomore year was a tumultuous one as the University implemented several changes, developed long-range goals and coped with a series of tragedies.
From the tenure process to the death of kegs to the NCAA Final Four, members of the Class of 1995 had a lot to talk about on campus their junior year.
The 1991-92 school year may be remembered as the year of change and controversy. The University saw the departure of campus institutions and the arrival of new traditions.
If members of the Bunch of Guys living group had canceled their annual "Dawn of the Dead" initiation rite in August 1992, seniors might not be on the wait list this year.
I still don't know why I went to college.
Faculty heard a little about why students are so upset with the new housing plan at Thursday's Academic Council meeting.
Six days after a trio of male dancers shimmied into the Rathskellar, University administrators are still piecing together how the event was allowed to take place.