Adam Yoffie


The Duke Chronicle

A senior's two cents

I was planning to write a mock fashion column this week . . . seriously. For any of you who actually read Towerview, you must have noticed that the editors often include a fashion piece with...

The Duke Chronicle

It's been a rough week

Last week was one of the worst at Duke during my four years on campus. First, we lost back-to-back ACC basketball games against unranked Florida State and UNC. Second, the women's basketball team...

The Duke Chronicle

Leadership and the "Right'

It is not easy being a student leader. Just ask Duke Student Government. The only popular elected student governing body, DSG is supposed to serve the best interests of the students-and that is...

The Duke Chronicle

Reflections on the PSM 1 year later

One year ago today, Phil Kurian, Trinity '05, published the now notorious column "The Jews" in which he attacked the "shocking overrepresentation" of Jewish students at top universities throughout...

The Duke Chronicle

Welcome to Duke

In an unprecedented sting operation that looked more Hollywood than higher education, undercover Alcohol Law Enforcement officers in conjunction with uniformed Durham police officers stormed an...

The Duke Chronicle

In this debate, where is Duke?

Speaking at a May 16 news conference in Raleigh, Professor John Hope Franklin, Duke’s famed historian, urged the state legislature to support a two-year moratorium on executions during which...

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