Adam Levin


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What’s fizzin’?

The app provides an inaccurate picture of Duke culture — a breeding ground for Greek life and economics major-centered content on a platform that loves public shaming and celebrates people for demonstrated apathy.

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What’s up with protests at Duke?

As almost any Duke student knows, corporate culture exists within every facet of the university — whether it’s the business fraternities like Scale and Coin, the overwhelming focus on summer internships or the funneling of students to “profitable” fields like economics or computer science. However, Duke’s omnipresent pre-professional culture disincentivizes students from meaningful activism. 

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North Carolina: Ground zero for right-wing policy

The North Carolina Supreme Court, which temporarily blocked the election from being certified, is stacked with a conservative majority and appears likely to uphold Jefferson’s false claims. Beyond devastating any legitimacy in our system and creating a long-lasting imbalance in the North Carolina Supreme Court, such a decision would set a dangerous precedent nationally. If so, it wouldn’t be the first time North Carolina has served as a testing ground for far-right policies. 

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In the eye of the hurricane

As members of the broader North Carolina community, it is our responsibility to offer the same support. If it is within your means, I implore everyone reading this article to send even a little financial support to communities in Western North Carolina.

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