News | University


All you need to know about the 2022-23 housing process

With next year’s housing application now open to students until noon on Feb. 14, Duke has made several changes to the process, including the announcement of QuadEx. To help students sort through all these new policies, the Chronicle has compiled the most pressing information about housing in the 2022-2023 year.


‘Actively engaged in shutting us down’: Thompson Writing Program faculty continue fight for renewability

“I do feel like our jobs are being replaced with non-unionized faculty as a form of retaliation for the role that the TWP played in the 2017 negotiations, for centering our need for renewable appointments in the 2021 negotiations and for our ongoing attempts to use University channels to improve our work condition,” said a lecturing fellow in the TWP.

The offices of the Graduate School now occupy what used to be House 2 for faculty. 

Matthew Harris’ former classmates recount his worrisome behavior, call for accountability from philosophy department

In April, Harris uploaded a video to his YouTube channel titled, “Dead White Professors (Duke University Remix) - dimRISE,” according to a screenshot obtained by The Chronicle. Other videos were titled “Death to Feminism” and contained images of underage girls and former Duke philosophy undergraduate students, according to a former graduate student.