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Jonathan Glazer’s ‘The Zone of Interest’: Understanding evil and representing suffering

The choice by Glazer to make a Holocaust film about the family of one its most infamous orchestrators, rather than its victims, is as much a recognition of his inability to engage with the realities of Auschwitz as the Höss’ escape into their garden and playground pool. “The Zone of Interest” offers itself as a parable of the faults that plague us — a film as much about today as 1943.


Two moments of mindfulness: Our experience with the Duke Wellness Center

The Wellness Center is one of the best, but most underutilized, resources on Duke’s campus. As two first-year students during our first of many busy midterm seasons, we felt it was the perfect time to relieve our academic stress with one of the Wellness Center’s best offerings – their Moments of Mindfulness classes – while sharing our experiences with Recess readers.