
The Duke Chronicle

FILM: Bending All the Rules

We are all familiar with the somewhat overdone sports-triumph movie, a genre steeped in the American tradition of competition and in our innate desire to root for the underdog.

The Duke Chronicle

North Ninth Street: Coming into Bloom

In a world of crumbling curbs and muddied gravel lots, nestled among gray trees yet to show the greening buds of April, lay bright bursts of color where one would only expect the wear and tear of...

The Duke Chronicle

The Winner Is...

As March Madness was kicking into full swing, I thought I would one-up my bracket competitors by taking the ol' PS2 for a whirl to see how it would fare in picking the tourney winners.

The Duke Chronicle

MUSIC: 'Combat Rock'

My radio show on WXDU happened to be during the very first hours of war, so I sent out an email to the station's listserv asking for song suggestions of an appropriately bomby nature.

The Duke Chronicle

TECH: Just Too Much Fun

"That thing is going to warp your mind and destroy your life," my mom yelled, as she wrenched the clunky, gray Nintendo GameBoy from my eight-year-old hands.