
The Duke Chronicle

Philip Roth - The Humbling

It is a terrible feeling to read a book by your favorite author and wonder whether you should go back and reread their previous works to see whether they were really as good as you remember.

The Duke Chronicle

Lindsay: Fully Loaded

Sure, Lindsay Lohan got into a rough patch along the road. But Jack Wilkinson still cannot resist the 11-year-old girl he fell in love with all those years ago in The Parent Trap.

The Duke Chronicle

A Serious Man

A Serious Man is an insidious dark comedy that ranks with the best of its filmmakers’ oeuvre and, arguably, as this year’s best movie yet.

The Duke Chronicle

12 Steps to Knowing

After a proposal from an ABC salesman, a senior reflects on finding home in the Bull City. But what happens when home becomes a little too comfortable?


Lower D's revitalizes Gorky

Largely improvised by the student actors, The Lower D’s jumps off from the British script with non-PC dialogue, intermittent musical numbers and assorted musings on the human condition.