Recess | Culture


Music Review: V

After releasing albums every few years for most of their career, punk/ noise rock band Wavves recently picked up their speed by releasing two albums in 2015: No Life for Me in June and most recently, V, on Oct.


Music Review: No No No

After more than four years of relative inactivity, it only took a couple weeks of studio recording for Beirut to put down not even half an hour’s worth of material for their new album, “No No No.” The rushed recording shows in the abbreviated nature of the of the album, in addition to its failure to develop or build off of Beirut’s last album, 2011’s “The Rip Tide.” Fans who are looking for the eastern European and Mexico-tinged world pop of Beirut’s earlier albums, including “Gulag Orkestar” and “The Flying Cup Club,” will be sorely disappointed as frontman and mastermind Zach Condon abandons almost all of these influences, save for the occasional horn flourish.