Recess | Campus


In On It: The Evolution of Duke’s Premier Sketch Comedy Group

In On It: The Evolution of Duke’s Premier Sketch Comedy Group Founded in 2000, Inside Joke describes themselves as “Duke’s premiere (and only) sketch comedy group.” They started as an inspired group of undergrads and have continued to flourish since their inception, particularly in recent years. What makes Inside Joke unique is that it is a group focused primarily on sketch comedy—think scripted, rehearsed, writing-centered, SNL-variety fun.


Coffeehouse Student Show Superlatives

    The Duke Coffeehouse is not just a space to study and socialize—it can also be a place to hear new student music.             Last Thursday, the Duke Coffeehouse hosted a student concert as part of the Duke Arts Festival. Seven different acts performed at the event, although multiple student performers called in sick before the concert. The showcase was a new addition to the festival last year, and duARTS decided to bring the event back.


Recess Interviews: Dave Karger

The Chronicle: Can you talk a bit about your career trajectory and what you’ve been doing since graduating Duke? Dave Karger: When I was a rising senior, I got an internship at Entertainment Weekly magazine.


'Out in the Night' screens powerful message during Pride weekend at Duke

Duke students will have the opportunity to start their Pride weekend off this Friday at 6:00 p.m in White Lecture Hall with a look into the darker side of the American media and legal system by attending the screening and post-viewing discussion of Out in the Night, directed by blair dorosh-walther. “Out in the Night” tells the story of a group of young, African American lesbians and their treatment by the mainstream media and the legal system.

Old 1980's photos from the Coffeehouse show a rocker atmosphere with students lounging and enjoying music, much like today. 

Duke Coffeehouse looks forward to Fall punk line-up

Tucked behind Crowell, the exterior of the Duke Coffeehouse is entirely inconspicuous. In fact, there’s even a sign that brags about it being “the best-kept secret on east campus.” Inside, however, the space is all but subtle, the walls adorned with UFOs, dragons, giant cartoon faces and a dozen anthropomorphized waffles, all rendered in nearly garish hues.