Recess | Campus


‘Nickel Boys’: A one-of-kind cinematic experience

“Nickel Boys” presents a history detached from the popular understanding of American society while serving as a powerful reminder that the oppression it documents was not that long ago. What’s more, the events and power structures it depicts are crucial to understanding how we got to where we are today.


Limited depictions: The lessons gleaned from Western photos of North Korea

Throughout the talk, Dr. Chang skillfully guided the audience through the issues surrounding photographs of North Korea, arguing that the best approaches directly engage with these constraints instead of trying to avoid them. Hopefully one day North Korea will open to the world again, but until then, in order to understand the country, we must understand the limitations we face in trying to do so. 

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Putting the spotlight on Screen/Society

Two to four times a week, for a total of about 60 times a semester, films from across genres, time periods and geography are screened for free in the Ruby’s Film Theatre. This is the work of Screen/Society, a Duke-sponsored program that has its roots in an informal graduate student film club formed in the late ‘80s.

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Rift/Fault: Humanity and the environment

While we spend our entire life on or right above the Earth’s surface, we don’t normally think about what lies below. The Rubenstein Library’s “Rift/Fault” exhibit seeks to change that by drawing our attention to the places where tectonic plates meet, in hopes of making people think about real and imaginary borders.

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A love letter to East Campus

Inspired by my love for East Campus, and in order to express my gratitude for it, I want to give a tribute to East Campus while also providing a bit of guidance for incoming first-years on how to make the most of their experience on East.


Two moments of mindfulness: Our experience with the Duke Wellness Center

The Wellness Center is one of the best, but most underutilized, resources on Duke’s campus. As two first-year students during our first of many busy midterm seasons, we felt it was the perfect time to relieve our academic stress with one of the Wellness Center’s best offerings – their Moments of Mindfulness classes – while sharing our experiences with Recess readers.