Ok millennial
By Nikhil Sridhar | November 25, 2019Just as elders are not prima facie a source of wisdom, youth isn’t necessarily a fountain of low time preference.
Just as elders are not prima facie a source of wisdom, youth isn’t necessarily a fountain of low time preference.
We must support others while keeping in mind their autonomy, facilitating their own journey towards a place of self-understanding and fulfillment. After all, we are more than a puzzle to be solved, a project to be fixed. We are human.
I intend to major in English, but even with my convictions about the importance of Asian representation in the arts , I know I will double with another major of which my mom will approve.
They did not realize that there would be people, like Lt. Colonel Vindman, who would put their country first—before party, career, or personal security.
Sometimes, you really do have to just stay in your lane, especially when it comes to collective experiences of race, identity, sexuality, and gender that one simply does not have.
And even if I haven’t found my Modern Love-r, my true Tinder match or my college romance; even if I have made mistakes and messed up, I have humanized and given and advocated and fought. I have loved.
I have been caught up in remembering my previous Duke Thanksgivings. They have always just felt like a comma, a brief pause in the long stretch of the fall semester that strikes just before the end.
For years, pundits have invoked respectability politics as an all-purpose deterrent against new ideas as well as to silence dissent.
I contend that oftentimes our criticisms of cultural appropriation begin from both a privileged position and internal insecurity of our own identity, particularly for Asian-Americans like me.
Survivors face this trauma, isolation and shame even without a sexual assault investigation hanging over their heads.
The people don’t want to be informed, they want to be entertained.
With the wind snapping at my heels as I rush across Wannamaker Drive, there’s only one thought racing through my mind: why is it so damn cold?
To feel like I belong here at Duke, I’d have to feel like I was more than just a consumer.
Despite time constraints or fear of divisiveness, we have a moral obligation as voters and citizens to be informed. Read the news, it does you and the world good.
We should lament that our rules are imperfect and unjust, and then seek to reform them in a spirit of good-will by speaking the Truth, by loving one another—even our enemy—as our neighbor equal in worth and dignity.
Don’t fall for the re-branding attempt to brainwash you. Boxed water isn't better, it is just rebranded water.
Student Health’s misdiagnosis delayed Matson from receiving necessary treatment and medication, negatively impacting her academic, social and emotional well-being.
It’s much too easy for the stressed organic chemistry student to grab a glass of chocolate milk to feel better about an upcoming midterm; our natural tendency is to search for these comfort foods. When they are spread out for the taking, how often will we be able to resist?
The biggest takeaway: don’t sell-out to the sell-out culture.
To say that gay students are welcome and are to be supported without calling for a clear path for them to be ordained as they are called by God to serve as pastors is to say “We will take your money and offer education but we will not give voice to opening the path for you to use the education for which you paid.”