On 'Little Women' and telling full stories
By Gretchen Wright | January 22, 2020It is a privilege to be told that your story matters.
It is a privilege to be told that your story matters.
Talk to professors you've heard of—ask them about their field, about their writings, about their experiences.
This year our Opinion Editor, Leah Abrams, is on the Young Trustee ballot, so here is our coverage policy for this election.
I could not ask each of the people with their hands outstretched, will you love and protect the queer and trans people in your midst? I could only say, the body of Christ, broken for you.
Walking along the city’s historic cobblestone paths and engaging with Danish culture, I found myself, and by the end of the semester, it was Denmark that feared me. Because I became a ginormous, human-eating monster.
Treat it like your Facebook feed—scroll through the snippets quickly, accept them as fact and then talk about them in your public policy class as if you’re an expert.
We fail to acknowledge that the burden of teaching falls onto certain students.
Duke likes to tell us is that we are “Forever Duke,” which neither comforts nor delights me as perhaps they intend.
By all means, give the billionaires and fossil fuel lobbyists free one-way tickets to Mars. From the looks of it, they actually want to go.
Speaking with someone in your native tongue asserts a familiarity between speakers that few other cultural commonalities can so readily and directly establish.
After reading through your Facebook comments and Stumble App Store reviews, we feel ready to offer some of our own thoughts on the previous semester and intentions for the second half of Vol. 115.
Sorrow and despair won’t help the people and wildlife being devastated by the Australian bushfires. Instead, we must act.
Anti-Semitism sees no borders. Regardless of the attack’s location or motivation, anti-Semitic terrorists must face justice and their vile ideology must be rejected.
The image of a bumbling, reluctant empire and the United States’ propensity for historical amnesia are especially dangerous in combination with the veneer of plausible deniability offered to universities by programs like AGS and H4D.
Student Health has fomented a black-box monopoly wherein dangerous misdiagnoses go unchecked.
North Carolina’s clean energy future will continue to be shaped by productive and collaborative work between utilities, customers, communities and other stakeholders seeking to bring about real change.
In the fall of 1963, Reuben-Cooke was one of five brave black students who entered the Trinity College of Arts of Sciences.
We should allow members of this student body to make their own decisions rather than preempt them with particular notions of social justice.
Several of the annoyances of Duke life can be explained by looking at a simple economic principle.
I hope there comes a day when we can learn to stop listening to those who continue to doubt whether I and others living with mental illness are truly struggling.