
The Duke Chronicle

College-athletes of the world, unite!

Athletes need informed representatives who will be able to protect their financial interests on their behalf and who will advocate for solutions that will benefit them currently and in the future. It is time to give college-athletes collective voice, independent of the NCAA.

The Duke Chronicle

Free speech: Students, institutions and solutions

Students can’t control the ideas that teachers impart to them in high school, nor could we control a variety of factors that culminated in the values that we hold most dear when young, mainly due to parental control, but we can control what ideas we see in college.

The Duke Chronicle

Leverage in the health care system

If I feel this alienated by the medical system, who else feels that way? What if I spoke limited English and was trying to get help? What if I had no entrance the system other than urgent care? What if I didn’t have a car to get to the doctor’s office, and what if I couldn’t pay my copays? What if I didn’t have insurance? I realized that my panicked feeling of helplessness when I had finally exhausted my options might not be a transient feeling for others.

The Duke Chronicle

Compromise on legislation, not healthcare

As voters, we should push for health care experts to be heard by those in Congress who will listen. Hopefully, during the midterm elections, those who refuse to stand steadfast for more robust policy around healthcare will be swept away by the current. 

The Duke Chronicle

Venezuela's socialist mess

Socialism is hypocritical in nature: its professed humanitarian aims can only be implemented by using brutal force. Furthermore, a government like Venezuela has immense and frightening power to coerce citizens, violate human rights, and restrict freedom by controlling the allocation of resources and consolidation of wealth.

The Duke Chronicle

The war on journalism

There must be a steadfast commitment to supporting the hard-hitting journalism that seeks to uncover the truth, question authority and demand answers. The republic depends on it.

The Duke Chronicle

The precarious state of Turkish-American relations

At stake is the delicate geopolitical situation in the Middle East, the lives of thousands more innocent Syrians, Iraqis, Kurds, Israelis, Palestinians and Yazidis, not to mention the NATO haven under which Western Europe maintains the greatest experiment in democratic peace and economic interdependence in history. 

The Duke Chronicle

'No more news,' say Duke students

In light of recent political and environmental events, students at Duke have ceased reading the news in order to minimize stress and focus on how terrible their own lives are rather than worry about the general terribleness of everything else.

The Duke Chronicle

Debating guns and 'Gorgias' at Duke

At the end of our debate, my opponent and I had made little headway on answering the central question to the gun debate, but we had gained a better understanding of both arguments—which is a hell of a lot more than Hillary Clinton, the Chronicle Editorial Board and conservative outlets like the National Review can say. 

The Duke Chronicle

More than a numbers game

Instead of merely congratulating ourselves on growing our endowment at similar rates to peer institutions, we as a university should aim to make physical, tangible changes—such as better financial aid—to Duke using our much improved finances. More than just representing a giant hedge fund dedicated to outperforming Harvard or Brown, the mission of Duke’s endowment is “to support the people, programs and activities of the university in perpetuity.” As a university with an $8 billion endowment, we should strive to do exactly that.

The Duke Chronicle

A visceral exhaustion

As a high school teacher, the stress of such issues permeates my life from the linoleum laced hallways, all the way down to the desks my kids occupy several hours a day.

The Duke Chronicle

From the ruins of central

Today, we turn to the campus often forgotten between its more glamorous neighbors to envision a new housing model that will hopefully arise from the ruins of Central.

The Duke Chronicle

Tragedy of the Congress

The policies in place, when grasped in the hands of shooters, are directly responsible for the fatalities in Vegas, Sandy Hook, and elsewhere across the nation. To refrain from engaging with and amending these policies is to dishonor every American life lost to gun violence. 

The Duke Chronicle

E pluribus unum

When we abandon regular order, we abandon regularity. We abandon any hope that what is built today will stand tomorrow.

The Duke Chronicle

On Instagram and the sorority squat

Often I’m not even aware that I’ve made the decision to check social media; I find myself pulling up Snapchat completely instinctively. Above all else, my checking habits stem from a compulsive need to not leave things incomplete. Quite simply, they represent an utter waste of time.