
The Duke Chronicle

Code red

Focusing on a limited, highly privileged understanding of menstrual equity is an injustice in itself for it alienates and curtails issues relinquished to the periphery, at a time where human respect and public health needs are already overlooked.

The Duke Chronicle

The weight of the letters

You will spend large parts of the next few years within an all-male community with little outside input, running the risk of locking yourself into a hyper-masculine, alcohol-filled echo chamber. Pretty soon you’ll be so deep in this culture that calling out a brother for casual racism or sexism, or admitting you have a mental health issue that you try to treat with alcohol, will become impossible.

The Duke Chronicle

The downfall of DSG

What seems to be at the root of these bureaucratic debacles is that such tasks, while important, tend to fall wayside for many DSG members because they don’t have the same potential for self-aggrandizing glory as other initiatives do. 

The Duke Chronicle

The time we all need

We don’t have to sit in a room for ten minutes everyday and ponder life, but we should be able to walk from class to class without scrolling through our phones, or be able to sit and enjoy ourselves without feeling obligated to anything or anyone. 

The Duke Chronicle

A dumb major

But then it hit me: I was supposed to read all five acts of Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” that Friday. And I didn’t. Because I was busy seeing John Mulaney.

The Duke Chronicle

Camelot 2.0

The American people do not require an abstract vision of a Camelot II going into 2020, but rather desperately need a politician and party willing to concretely embody and defend the values of diversity, human rights and freedom from a policy-based perspective. 

The Duke Chronicle

Lost in translation

President Trump is using the power of stories to manipulate the head and the heart, proffering a fictitious and dangerous narrative of immigration. I have a different story to tell the president.

The Duke Chronicle

Revisiting the ban

While the first year of the Trump administration has felt like a drawn-out one, we still can’t be sure of how much long term damage will be done by policies like these that are enacted for the xenophobes within his base. Time will only tell how this administration will change the course of history for the worse.

The Duke Chronicle

It's a small Duke after all

If all my connections are really just one big circle at Duke that is derived from homogeneity in socioeconomic status, race, nationality, sexuality, cultural identity, etc., then how many people outside of my circle will I never be exposed to? Duke is an institution that remains proud of its diversity, which is a major reason I chose Duke in the first place. But I cannot help but wonder if I am truly making the most of my experience by remaining familiar only with the people I already know.  

The Duke Chronicle

"That guy" on immigration

Miller’s positions make a lot of sense to a sizable portion of the American populace, who voted for Trump in large part because they aligned with the campaign’s stance on immigration. A significant portion of the American populace believes that less immigration and more comprehensive border control measures are the right path for the United States, and they need to be heard within the discourse.