
The Duke Chronicle

Students storm BC Plaza to protest noods

The student group, dressed in bright orange and carrying posters with phrases such as, “Use your noodle: get us the mac we deserve” and “It’s not too cheesy: we want mac,” stood in the center of the plaza where they protested for 15 minutes before leaving to make their 1:25 classes.

The Duke Chronicle

The difficulty of being Christian at Duke

At a place like Duke, where students pride themselves on their acceptance of all people regardless of religion or ethnicity, it seems backward that it’s still acceptable to mock God and Christianity in front of people who incorporate religion into their lives.

The Duke Chronicle

Letter to the Editor

We at the Duke Engage chapter of the Partners in Health organization implore our Senate representation, Senator Richard Burr and Senator Thom Tillis, to protect the Global Fund and support the right of all human beings to live healthy lives.

The Duke Chronicle

Don’t paint me as shy

I desperately wish that everyone I meet thinks of me as the complex individual I am—an amalgamation of bits of each of those characteristics.

The Duke Chronicle

Alumni amnesia

Rather than turning their backs to the current outstanding problems with the University, former students should face them head on in an honest confrontation of their own complicity, for only then can the University make amends for its past and move on to a better future.

The Duke Chronicle

Reunion and remembrance

It is without a doubt that passionate student activists will continue to remind current students, alumni and the administration, that milestones like the Silent Vigil should not be a one-time occurrence.