

A Duke for some

The historical legacies of efforts to chip away at the prominent injustices that mar Duke haven’t been in vain and we owe it to the agitators and activists that paved way for us to reside here, to continue it. Even if Duke may never stray from the discriminative intentions it was created with, the ubiquitous struggle to make it at least survivable is honorable, to say the least.

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A humble request

It’s October, 2010. The cool breeze, a harbinger of the fast approaching autumn days, brushes against your pre-pubescent body.

Ada Gregory Sep 3 quote card.png

When bad things happen

With the semester only days underway, we’ve already seen some of the worst of our nature in and around our campus—racial epithets, skirmishes around Silent Sam and likely dozens of other incidents that never rose to the attention of public scrutiny—often without any clear offender to blame.


#MeToo in the ivory tower

Instead, in the age of MeToo, we should seek to reorganize the ancient power structure of the ivory tower toward a more a healthy, equitable mentor-ship structure where faculty mentors are held accountable for their actions, and where prestige and power do not absolve predators of their abuses. 


What is Larry Moneta's legacy?

However, it would be a disservice to the multifaceted nature of Larry Moneta’s story to cast him solely as a collection of mistakes and triumphs. He remains a complicated and enigmatic figure in part because his position at Duke doomed him to that role. 

Alicia Sun Aug 31 quote card.png

Catching memories

Today, my dad asked me if I remember how I felt exactly two years ago, during my first week of my freshman year.  

Tim Kowalczyk Aug 29 quote card.png

Don't share that article. Think for yourself.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” This is Socrates’ whole method reduced to a refrigerator magnet, but its insight is profound. We cannot live well if we do not shake ourselves out of our complacency. We must question what we are doing and why. If we haven’t interrogated our beliefs, how can we know them to be true?

Ryan Williams Aug 29 quote card.png

Dear Duke administration: Do better

There is a difference in noticing that you are not like everyone around you and feeling like those differences ostracize you. Noticing my own Blackness comes when I recognize how little Black people there are in the social circles I find myself in. Whether it be my social group, my major, my extracurricular clubs and activities, or my work-study job I am constantly noting the disproportionately low number of familiar faces in a concentrated environment. These moments, however, are not what concerns me about Duke’s commitment to Black students.