
The Duke Chronicle


The truth can finally come out now that my parents have made the final payment on my college education.

The Duke Chronicle

War on Spring Break

My fellow citizens, I speak to you via Chronicle column to inform you of a great danger that is about to infiltrate U.S. cities today.

The Duke Chronicle

End Perkins!?

Loans aren’t our favorite type of financial aid—in fact, those of us who have loans often complain about making monthly payments after graduation.

The Duke Chronicle

More than a game

I have been to lots of different sports since I have been here—I’ve been to wrestling and it is one of the places where you see the nature of what disciplined skill looks like.

The Duke Chronicle

Ration the lies

Before I realized the unique experience that is college, I had only secondary sources such as history books and Saved by the Bell: The College Years to go on.

The Duke Chronicle

Why is it humorous?

NOTE: none of the jokes included belong to the author. Joke 1 — A marquis returns from a business trip to find his wife in bed with the archbishop. After a moment’s pause, the startled...

The Duke Chronicle

Compassionate conservatism

Despite all of the varying opinions espoused about the ideal nature of a tax system, one thing seems clear: People do not particularly enjoy paying their taxes.

The Duke Chronicle

Amiably mediocre

There’s a lot of brilliance among Duke’s undergraduates. But you’d never know that from looking at our dominant culture.

The Duke Chronicle

Operation Imbibing Freedom

When you’ve been writing these for as long as I have, you start seeing arguments everywhere. They sprout from exhausted soil, even from the most outworn rhetorical tropes.

The Duke Chronicle

Heroes get remembered...

O, woe unto us! Hunter S. Thompson has died! He has shot himself in the head while talking on the telephone with his wife. His children were in the home at the time. And now he is dead.

The Duke Chronicle

A farewell to Dan

Just one more week. Just one more week until Dan Rather “retires” from CBS News’s anchor chair and starts filing reports for 60 Minutes. Just one more.

The Duke Chronicle

Arabian nights

A frequent student gripe about coursework is that what we’re learning has no relevance to our lives. For relevance, fortunately, we can turn to the library.

The Duke Chronicle

Why grad school is like communism

Welcome, comrade! Congratulations on defecting to graduate school, an endless march from darkness into light towards a bountiful utopia, guided by scientific principles and strict adherence to the...