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Presidential Preview: Social spending

Vice President Kamala Harris’ and former President Donald Trump’s agendas and records are highly divergent. The Democratic nominee is largely in favor of expanding social spending and enacting new programs, while the Republican nominee has long been a proponent of cutting welfare funding.

biden boarding schools

Biden formally apologizes for US government’s role in controversial Native American boarding schools

One of the boarding schools for Cherokee students — “Industrial Indian Boarding School” —  was operated by Duke’s predecessor institution Trinity College for several years in the 1880s. The school was named in a 2022 investigative report from the Department of the Interior that identified over 400 such schools across the nation.

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Presidential Preview: Opioids

Trump and Harris have spent much of their respective political careers working to combat the ongoing opioid crisis. Each supports crackdowns on drug imports and investment in treatment and recovery programs, but Harris has prioritized going after pharmaceutical companies while Trump has targeted foreign suppliers.

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Political strategists Karl Rove and David Axelrod analyze presidential campaigns ahead of Election Day

Karl Rove, former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff in President George W. Bush’s administration, and David Axelrod, former senior adviser and chief strategist in President Barack Obama’s administration, spoke about the upcoming election at a Tuesday event hosted by the Duke Program in American Grand Strategy, POLIS: Center for Politics and the department of political science.