
The Duke Chronicle

UNC files brief in Michigan law case

The University of North Carolina announced its involvement in the "monumental" U.S. Supreme Court affirmative action case Grutter v. Bollinger last week, supporting a policy President George W.

The Duke Chronicle

Motoring through Durham

General Motors President and Chief Executive Officer Richard Wagoner spoke at Millennium Hotel Friday night. Wagoner talked about internationalization in the business world.

The Duke Chronicle

Tenters face cold, other challenges

Residents of the Krzyzewskiville tent city often claim to be the most "hard-core" part of the student body, annually facing inclement weather, long lines and early-morning wake-up calls.

The Duke Chronicle

Trask shuffles Auxiliary Services

With the upcoming retirements of Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Services Joe Pietrantoni and Director of Facilities Management Jerry Black this summer, Executive Vice President Tallman...

The Duke Chronicle

Deans meet with 2 BAA professors

Two members of the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy met with William Chafe, dean of the faculty of arts and sciences, and Berndt Mueller, dean of the natural sciences, Thursday...

The Duke Chronicle

Colleagues worry over BAA cuts

Amid recent discussions of cutting up to two-thirds of the faculty positions in the Department of Biological Anthropology and Anatomy, scholars across the nation agreed this week that Duke's...

The Duke Chronicle

Officials reveal plan for housing

Next year's housing plan will not be much different from the one that provoked an outpouring of student anger last year, Assistant Dean of Residence Life Bill Burig revealed at Thursday's Campus...