
The Duke Chronicle

A new CROP of volunteers

Local students join hundreds of other community members from around Duke and Durham for Sunday's CROP Walk, which seeks to raise money to help fight hunger.

The Duke Chronicle

Nicholas applications stay even

Although the number of applicants to the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences remained the same in 2003 after jumping nearly 16 percent in 2002, administrators continue to hope...

The Duke Chronicle

Black students discuss incident

The leaders of several black student organizations met Thursday night to discuss the implications of the recent controversy surrounding Duke Student Government President Joshua Jean-Baptiste, as...

The Duke Chronicle

Book: grade inflation exists at Duke

Is grade inflation a crisis at Duke and at other selective colleges? Former Duke statistics professor Valen Johnson thinks so - and will reveal his evidence in a book to be released April 18.

The Duke Chronicle

Kohn examines politics of military

Military leaders are beginning to play a more partisan - and potentially more troubling - role in politics, said Richard Kohn, professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel...

The Duke Chronicle

Cleland, Theta Chi take hiatus

Although Edens Quadrangle will gain a new bench next year - for newly housed Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity - it will lose two others, as one selective house and one fraternity go "on hiatus" for the...

The Duke Chronicle

Div School 'covenant' draws fire

A new "conduct covenant" recently passed by Divinity School faculty came under intense criticism during a meeting of the Student Life Ministry Tuesday, as Divinity students questioned...