Durham City Council votes to suspend ties with Russian sister city
By Sana Pashankar | September 7, 2022A suspension of ties means that all formal communication, activities, exchanges, and visits between Durham and Kostroma will cease.
A suspension of ties means that all formal communication, activities, exchanges, and visits between Durham and Kostroma will cease.
As the semester kicks off and classes get underway, it’s important to know where to look for help and self-care on campus.
"What we went through during the pandemic was not online education. Online education is an intentional approach to designing a modality that is going to enhance learning. What we went through was just remote education. Emergency remote education."
This guide breaks down the roles of Duke Student Government and its branches, as well as the Student Organization Finance Committee.
But while the forgiven debt is exempt from federal tax, North Carolina’s Department of Revenue has clarified that the forgiven debt is still “considered taxable income” by the state.
DGSU’s latest demand is for a $40,000 stipend pay floor for all graduate students. Currently, the stipend floor is around $32,000, according to Matt Thomas, DGSU co-chair and third-year Ph.D.
Duke alumni and donors helped fund the new orientation program.
They assessed the implications of the case and rallied for a voting coalition for the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. The refrain of the evening: “We the people put people over politics.”
A Friday email sent to SLG leaders amended the restriction, allowing them to hold the open house as long as it was not “advertised for the purposes of recruitment.” But as SLG members stood around posters on the quad chatting with interested sophomores and juniors, you could still hear the words “rush” and “recruitment."
Dani Harmston, associate dean for residence life, wrote that Sunday’s open house “should not be advertised for the purposes of recruitment,” but rather told SLG leaders to use it as an “introduction to your organizations and emphasize to students what your course of approval at Duke will be in the future.”
Changes are abound at Duke Dining facilities, and it’s not just the increasing prices.
Duke Dining is continuing to work on pricing with local vendors. “During normal times when inflation is much more predictable we would have this process completed well in advance of the fall opening,” wrote Robert Coffey, executive director of dining,
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology ranked first this year.
“Access to health care should be a right,” Harris said. “Not a privilege for those who can afford it ... We’re not talking about a luxury. We’re talking about an essential need.”
New reforms ultimately seek to clarify the DSG election process for incoming first-year senators.
The event was hosted by the Delta Gamma Foundation, as part of the Delta Gamma Lectureship in Values and Ethics, and Duke’s New Student and Family Programs.
Now, kegs that are licensed and obtained from a “licensed retailer,” including ABC stores or breweries, are permitted in common rooms on West Campus dorms.
Here’s a list of five student-taught open house courses you can take for the fall 2022 semester.
The change is attributed to it being the last year SLGs have residential housing as part of Duke’s QuadEx living and learning initiative.
On Monday, Black students gathered at Penn Pavilion to celebrate Duke’s eighth annual Black Convocation.