
The Duke Chronicle

Bishop's speech touts preaching

Michael Curry, hailed as one of the "current giants" among black preachers, extended his arms to the sky and thundered in a booming voice about the importance of "preach[ing] so well, cockroaches...

The Duke Chronicle

DSG to vote on basketball policy

Legislators will vote on the undergraduate basketball game admissions policy and amendments to the Inter-Community Council By-laws this evening at a Duke Student Government legislative session.

The Duke Chronicle

University briefs

The University will hold its annual Founders' Day Convocation in Duke Chapel Oct. 3, a day before the University's Board of Trustees conducts its fall meeting.

The Duke Chronicle

DSG vice presidents plan goals

From proposing half-credits for labs to organizing canned food drives, Duke Student Government vice presidents each have plans this year for making DSG more visible to the University.

The Duke Chronicle

State acquits hospital of earlier flaws

For the second time this year, the state Division of Facility Services cleared Durham Regional Hospital of quality violations that threatened the hospital's federal Medicare and Medicaid support.

The Duke Chronicle

Artist challenges body image views

Students walking by Von Canon A Monday may have done a double-take upon noticing Larry Kirkwood's display of 22 body casts, created to encourage viewers to reflect on issues of body image, racism,...

The Duke Chronicle

A sense of community

Promoting a sense of community between three distinct groups can be a daunting task, but one which University officials hope has been achieved by the year-old Trinity Heights housing development.

The Duke Chronicle

Pioneer discusses genome successes

Although slated as a probing discussion of "ethical and social issues surrounding the human genome," genomics pioneer Craig Venter's speech delivered a chronicle of the genetic revolution that...

The Duke Chronicle

Panel addresses sweatshop labor

Giving germs to terminally ill patients, sexual intercourse and the return of Jesus were all analogies a colorful group of panelists used to describe the economic and moral issues of sweatshop...

The Duke Chronicle

Schedule changes see mixed reaction

As University officials prepare to discuss a possible overhaul of the undergraduate academic master schedule, students are reacting favorably to the idea of alleviating midday overcrowding.