
The Duke Chronicle

iMas Pronto!

Men's basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski raves about it. Two of his seasoned players are currently engrossed in it. Academic administrators beam with pride over it.

The Duke Chronicle

Scientists offer new AIDS treatments

Two new drug therapies can significantly slow the advance of HIV in both the early and late stages of infection, giving new hope to patients with the virus that causes AIDS, according to two Duke...

The Duke Chronicle

Dirt lots, buses top parking plan

Plans for a new remote parking lot on Maxwell Street, a central component of the University's restructuring of the parking system, have been scrapped in favor of two gravel-topped dirt lots on Duke...

The Duke Chronicle

Duke copes with drought limits

In the midst of the region's worst drought in a century, the sight of sprinklers' operating at mid-day in the Sarah P. Duke Gardens has become a point of discontent for some Durham residents. Duke...

The Duke Chronicle

University news, while you were gone...

Gates Foundation gift to fund sciences The University announced a $35 million gift from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at an Academic Council meeting in early May. Thirty million dollars of...

The Duke Chronicle

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Your e-mail address is used to send you information that you requested. We never sell, rent, or loan our e-mail lists to outside firms: No Spam. We may include paid advertisements in the e-mail in...

The Duke Chronicle

Duke students build, race car

Who said Engineering students spend all their time solving problems in a remote corner of Teer library? To get their blue racing machine ready for the May national competition last spring, seven...

The Duke Chronicle

To Our Readers

I've recently been telling people that I don't feel as though I'm graduating. I much prefer my air of incredulity about the upcoming goodbyes to the somber attitude of a girl who realizes her...