
The Duke Chronicle

Students tutor Asian immigrants

Although some Duke students spend their Saturday afternoons catching up on sleep or homework, a dozen of them do something different--tutoring immigrants from Hong Kong and China in the English...

The Duke Chronicle

Awaaz focuses on bridging divisions

Themed "All Together Now" to urge peace on the South Asian subcontinent, the annual cultural show Awaaz will kick off tonight with a variety of dance styles and a strong political message.

The Duke Chronicle

Women at Duke

The women wore raincoats over their shorts when coming back from physical education classes, obeyed 11 p.m. curfews and received male visitors in the parlor.

The Duke Chronicle

Tifft makes the call on elections

Political junkies who sat with eyes glued to election coverage Tuesday might have hoped they could be the first in the Duke community to know who won-but they were mistaken.

The Duke Chronicle

SACES receives DSG approval

Duke Student Government legislators voted unanimously to keep the current version of the Student Accessible Course Evaluation System at its general body meeting Wednesday night.

The Duke Chronicle

Profs debate Iraq intervention

In an inaugural series of lecture events for the sophomore class, professors from various departments expressed widely divergent opinions on the route that President George W.