
The Duke Chronicle

Menorah to be lit on Chapel Quad

In an effort to promote diversity and religious tolerance, Duke will host what may be the campus's most prominent menorah lighting ever in a Hanukkah ceremony tonight.

The Duke Chronicle

A Sound Born in Vienna

One spring day three years ago, five Duke students abroad with the Wind Symphony decided to stay after rehearsal and play together on the courtyard of Hofburg Palace in Vienna.

The Duke Chronicle

Former IFC fraternities change names

Although Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Sigma are no longer options for students looking to join Interfraternity Council fraternities this year, the two groups strive to remain part of the greek...

The Duke Chronicle

Governance changes proposed

Two of the University's most powerful faculty governance committees could undergo major changes next year under a proposed restructuring that will be presented at Thursday's Academic Council meeting.

The Duke Chronicle

Duke, local school build collaboration

Students and teachers at Moorehead Montessori Elementary School--one of the target schools in Duke's Neighborhood Partnership Initiative--will soon be able to enjoy their lessons in the shade of a...

The Duke Chronicle

Calling it quits

After a five-semester stint as The Chronicle's daily student comic, the sea nuggets are blazing a trail out of the paper.

The Duke Chronicle

Students discuss racial climate

When asked to describe race relations at Duke, a small group of students emphasized a campus environment characterized by a lack of communication, interaction and understanding between different...