Calling it quits
By Becky Young | December 2, 2002After a five-semester stint as The Chronicle's daily student comic, the sea nuggets are blazing a trail out of the paper.
After a five-semester stint as The Chronicle's daily student comic, the sea nuggets are blazing a trail out of the paper.
There's no place like home for the holidays-except travelers will have to battle dense congestion to get there this Thanksgiving.
When asked to describe race relations at Duke, a small group of students emphasized a campus environment characterized by a lack of communication, interaction and understanding between different...
Who knew that learning about the birds and the bees could cause so much commotion?.
Listening intently to a panel of North Carolina residents describe the lives of family members incarcerated under federal drug laws, students caught a glimpse Monday night of a world far removed...
Although it is still closer to a dream than reality, the Sanford Institute of Public Policy has narrowed its doctorate degree plans to joint degree programs with other graduate and professional...
From Picasso's Guernica to the Hollywood hit Braveheart, artistic representations of war provide society with both entertainment and opportunities for dialogue.
Francis Bok stood nervously at the side of the room, hands clasped behind his back and eyes surveying the nearly 200 students in the crowd.
A combination of financial difficulties, close family ties and obligations, and Duke's racial climate often discourages prospective Latino undergraduates from either applying to the University or...
The vision of a rejuvenated downtown Durham filled with shops, restaurants, luxury offices and residences now looks more hopeful since a national advertising agency committed Thursday to join the...
Academic Council got back to business after celebrating its 40th anniversary last month, packing Thursday's meeting with presentations on retirement, black faculty development and athletics.
Reflecting a nationwide trend, North Carolina state elections saw Republican legislators take control of the state House by a 61-59 majority and narrow the Demo-crats' margin of power in the state...
For her birthday this year, third-year law student Kendra Montgomery-Blinn received a package in the mail last February containing two chalk drawings on folded handkerchiefs.
To meet the needs of the rapidly increasing population of Latinos without medical insurance, the Medical Center has received a one-year, $835,911 grant from the U.S.
Durham is once again lacking a permanent police chief after the latest nominee for the job, Douglas Scott, announced Thursday that he would no longer accept it.
After a prolonged discussion of a controversial resolution recommending installation of security cameras at dorm entrances, Campus Council voted down the recommendation by a 8-5 vote Thursday...
For most members of the University community, winter break will provide a welcome respite from parking hassles.