
The Duke Chronicle

Calling it quits

After a five-semester stint as The Chronicle's daily student comic, the sea nuggets are blazing a trail out of the paper.

The Duke Chronicle

Students discuss racial climate

When asked to describe race relations at Duke, a small group of students emphasized a campus environment characterized by a lack of communication, interaction and understanding between different...

The Duke Chronicle

Forum addresses injustice of drug laws

Listening intently to a panel of North Carolina residents describe the lives of family members incarcerated under federal drug laws, students caught a glimpse Monday night of a world far removed...

The Duke Chronicle

Public policy may offer joint degree

Although it is still closer to a dream than reality, the Sanford Institute of Public Policy has narrowed its doctorate degree plans to joint degree programs with other graduate and professional...

The Duke Chronicle

Study cites difficulties Latinos face

A combination of financial difficulties, close family ties and obligations, and Duke's racial climate often discourages prospective Latino undergraduates from either applying to the University or...

The Duke Chronicle

Scott quits Durham top cop job

Durham is once again lacking a permanent police chief after the latest nominee for the job, Douglas Scott, announced Thursday that he would no longer accept it.

The Duke Chronicle

Campus Council rejects cameras

After a prolonged discussion of a controversial resolution recommending installation of security cameras at dorm entrances, Campus Council voted down the recommendation by a 8-5 vote Thursday...