
The Duke Chronicle

National media spotlight hits Duke

If you read the national news over the past month, you might get the impression that Duke University is the kind of place where terrorists regularly come to speak, surgeons fail to adequately check...

The Duke Chronicle

WSJ links applicants, donors

A critical article in The Wall Street Journal Thursday examined the practice of giving students of wealthy or alumni parents special treatment in admissions processes.

The Duke Chronicle

Keohane offers data on gender

An update from the Women's Initiative Steering Committee revealed that the percentage of female assistant professors in Arts and Sciences has remained stagnant over the last 10 years, causing...

The Duke Chronicle

Santillán's condition still critical

ONLINE UPDATE (4:30 p.m.): Following a second heart-lung transplant performed early Thursday at Duke Hospital, 17-year-old Jésica Santillán is off life support and being given a fighting chance.

The Duke Chronicle

Renewed Oak Room strives to improve

After three weeks of testing the waters as the new fine dining option on campus, the latest edition of The Oak Room has made a smooth transition under its new manager, Fares Hanna.

The Duke Chronicle

'Blackouts' common, says new survey

If you fell on your head and experienced a significant loss of memory, Clinical Professor of Medical Psychiatry Scott Swartzwelder would suggest trucking you off to the hospital for an MRI.