
The Duke Chronicle

Colleagues commend CEO's tenure

Outgoing Chancellor for Health Affairs Dr. Ralph Snyderman taught Dr. Sandy Williams more than just the complexities of medical leadership--he also taught the medical school dean how to fish.

The Duke Chronicle

Flier complaint

The Duke Student Government election commission ruled Monday night that a complaint - filed by one presidential candidate against an opponent late Sunday night - was unsubstantiated.

The Duke Chronicle

Duke reacts to freedom paper

Despite a recent statement by the American Studies Association arguing that academic freedom at universities is under fire, both students and administrators say Duke continues to be a safe place to...

The Duke Chronicle

Yard Work

Walking to West Campus through the Sarah P. Duke Gardens, students probably have no idea that they tread along the same latitude line as China.

The Duke Chronicle

Building plan meets opposition

A controversial plan for constructing an apartment building in a neighborhood of single family homes met strong opposition from Durham homeowners at Monday night's City Council meeting.

The Duke Chronicle

Whitehorn defends past actions

With four television cameras, three spotlights and several microphones located throughout the room, a two-month media frenzy came to a surprisingly subdued end when political activist and convicted...

The Duke Chronicle

Keohane's remarks

President Nan Keohane and Board of Trustees Chair Harold "Spike" Yoh held a press conference Sunday in the Old Trinity Room in the West Union Building on West Campus to announce Keohane's...

The Duke Chronicle

Trustees approve tuition increase

Although the snow kept the Board of Trustees mostly out of commission during its last meeting in December, the rain did not stop the Board from considering a full plate of proposals at its meeting...

The Duke Chronicle

Stances vary on DSG restructuring

As Duke Student Government executive campaigns enter the home stretch today, candidates for president and executive vice president have each thrown in their two cents on the organization's...