Don’t coerce Duke women into choosing life
By Nicole Nelson | March 22, 2010An 18-year-old Duke student finds out she is pregnant. Where should she go? What should she do?
An 18-year-old Duke student finds out she is pregnant. Where should she go? What should she do?
I’m not asking for press equal to the men—Title IX mandates enough so-called equality as it is. I’m not asking for undeserved priority placement of women’s sports stories. But I am asking for an...
We will always remember the season 2009-2010,/I saw a sign that said, “Welcome to Zoubekistan!”
Rather than focus on the obvious practical need for a unified group of independents, people like Bradford Colbert in his March 2 column, “Independent thinking,” have spent more time getting hung up...
Midterms are not just about getting a good grade; they are an opportunity to explore the fundamental principles upon which our society is built, whether it be in the fields of the arts, sciences or...
Although Brostoff admits that learning fundamentals is key, he still hates midterms, and claims faculty do as well. I politely disagree.
As I trudged through the snow and up icy stairs during the blizzard two weeks ago, I wondered how expensive snow-clearing salt was. I found out just before the next snowstorm when I went to Home...
Two days ago, I wrote a controversial letter to the editor about the problems of the Marketplace and the buses. I have gained a lot of insight from the reactions.
We have all waited in long lines at Marketplace, and we’ve all been late to class because that C-1 or C-2 did not show up on time. Kelsey Wang’s call in her Feb. 16 letter to the editor to “Replace...
I was pleased to see The Chronicle publish a letter to the editor Feb. 16 entitled “Replace inefficient employees,” which complained about the “indolent” employees who work on campus.
On Jan. 14, The Chronicle ran my guest commentary, “From a DukeEngage dropout,” concerning my experiences with the DukeEngage Trinidad and Tobago program in the summer of 2009.
I am a patient person, but honestly, Duke, I feel like I waste an hour every day because of the inefficient workers here.
I am writing in response to Mike Lefevre’s Feb. 11 guest column “Don’t be an SOV.” Every student deserves the right to be able to leave campus at his or her discretion. Carbon emissions can be...
I’m disappointed with the tone and utter lack of civility displayed by the chairman of College Republicans in writing to The Chronicle—from his rude dismissal of Zach Perret as not one of the...
The Chronicle’s coverage of President Obama’s State of the Union was considerable. But, consistent with The Chronicle’s Jan. 19 coverage of “Honoring the Legacy of MLK with Dr. Fisher,” there were...
The Planned Parenthood ad does not focus on legal merits or the political arguments for or against abortion; instead, it celebrates life and choice.
As the executive members of Duke’s chapter of National Organization for Women, we would like to endorse Chelsea Goldstein for the position of Young Trustee.
As the executive members of Duke’s chapter of National Organization for Women, we would like to endorse Chelsea Goldstein for the position of Young Trustee.