Opinion | Guest Columns


North Carolina legislator pay is a problem

Increasing legislator pay would not prevent self-serving politicians from running for office, but it would introduce a financial incentive that would both increase the pool of candidates and provide a counterweight to the perverse incentive of special interests.


One shot, many wounded

The roughly 5,000 new first-years at UNC, some dear friends included, experienced their welcome-to-college hurrah running for cover in the basement of their nearest building as they decided whether to text home.


All Durham needs is love and crosswalks

What was the Beatles' greatest accomplishment? It was neither selling over 1 billion records worldwide, nor revolutionizing the entire music industry nor becoming a major symbol of the 1960s social and cultural transformation. What people don't realize is that John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were actually pioneers of public safety.