Opinion | Guest Columns

The Duke Chronicle

What’s a powwow?

As a tribal member who grew up on an Indian reservation, it always strikes me as odd to hear this term misused in general conversations off the reservation.

The Duke Chronicle

To my fellow Duke PhD students

I would only ask that you weigh this uncertainty against the broader significance of this decision for those within and outside the Duke community, in addition to the specifics of how it may impact you or your department.

The Duke Chronicle

The art of ghosting

In my opinion, the pain of one’s own is manageable, but watching your loved ones in pain as a result of your actions is absolutely unbearable.

The Duke Chronicle

Our community

When we make our cities and communities inclusive and happy, we get a double dividend. They’re more sustainable, too.

The Duke Chronicle

Response to ‘Learn Spain, not Spanish’

To move quickly past the absurd presumption that one can even come close to “learning Spain” without learning Spanish, the primary and national language of that country, I’ll focus on the main points that this editorial makes.