Black Panther adds heaps to surging Black ‘nerdism’
By Jamal Michel | April 25, 2017“Dude,” my brother-in-law said a few years before Captain America: Civil War, “Black finally going to be in a movie.”
“Dude,” my brother-in-law said a few years before Captain America: Civil War, “Black finally going to be in a movie.”
Duke has sought from its founding to provide “real leadership in the educational world.” As our university transforms in the twenty-first century, we must articulate how its values should be implemented, particularly with respect to its core mission of scholarship and teaching.
Since Christopher Nolan’s reimagined comic book epic released on DVD in December 2008, I’ve viewed The Dark Knight a few times a month without ever second guessing its timelessness.
Maryam, a 5-year-old girl, had the courage to stop and tell us that we, as citizens of the United States, are not doing enough.
In 2015, Duke stopped covering gym fees for students in the first five years of their PhD program.
When you run as an independent student in any contested Duke election, you expect to lose. For independent students trying to break into campus politics, there is no greater challenge that highlights this plight than running for a DSG position. Even though we do a lot of good, DSG presents a host of problems when it comes to accurately representing the student body.
I remember back when I played God of War II on the Playstation 2, back before I earned that coveted platinum trophy in God of War III on the Playstation 3 that revealed a teaser website for the next title.
Students are fighting for the future. For many university students and young people around the world, the 2016-17 academic year has not been very hopeful.
When looked at closely, it becomes a matter of partisanship; conservative ideology will not allow them to break ties with Trump, regardless of his outlandish claims.
As university members, we occupy a privileged space, where we can freely circulate ideas, construct debates and transform discourses.
There is immense wisdom in the honesty of high school students.
Unfortunately, the violence that has turned some parts of Latin America into mass graves is very much alive, and 2017 is postulated to be the deadliest year since the drug war began.
Dear all: While I cannot claim to have insider knowledge of how ECASC and IDC set about making (and then un-making) procedural decisions, it is hard not to read the latest reversal announced by Sheryl Broverman today as a concession that there are too many votes arrayed against Blue Print.
Blue Devils United stands firmly against the Trump Administration’s decision to deny the LGBTQ+ community of equity by excluding us from the 2020 Census and American Community Survey.
From the very start, waves of construction have plagued my existence at Duke, following me around like an infectious disease that becomes dormant for small spurts, only to rear its ugly head back with such an intensity that it becomes normalized in my daily life.
The Chronicle's editorial board says we have no reason to listen to views that are “patently false or feed into dangerous historical trends.” But neither of these characterizations is true.
Ben Carson, we want to identify ourselves in you, not simply because you too are African-American, but because you recognize us, that we too are here.
Not only did Riyanka have a wealth of knowledge about issues facing Pratt, but she also presented comprehensive solutions to these problems.
We, the nation, now find ourselves trapped in a cave created and maintained by a man who willfully and openly rejects the happenings of the natural world.
As a tribal member who grew up on an Indian reservation, it always strikes me as odd to hear this term misused in general conversations off the reservation.