Opinion | Guest Columns

The Duke Chronicle

Frozen in place by guns

It is time for Duke to publicly divest from any company or parent company that in whole or in part manufactures and/or markets weapons of war to the public. 

The Duke Chronicle

Leading the way in union reform

Today, the Duke Faculty Union, the Duke Graduate Student Union and other organizations of workers in higher education are at the leading edge of why new kinds of worker organizing are essential.

The Duke Chronicle

Souls of lay folk

Upon stepping through the glass doors, one is greeted by a single word, “black.”—in lower-case, not taunting or privileging any definitive blackness. And yet, the title bears a period; it’s a statement.

The Duke Chronicle

How to help the addiction pandemic

While drugs and alcohol are at the core of the destruction and incomprehensible demoralization that addicts and alcoholics so profoundly experience, they are not the problem.

The Duke Chronicle

Reframing Antifa

It is liberal movements that are well organized and explicitly characterized that must be loudly supported. 

The Duke Chronicle

How Charlottesville was another reminder

Historically disadvantaged communities are often the targets of hate speech, and the near explicit backing that nationalist groups in the country receive should not be entirely surprising. It is a pre-existing condition of our country to use our laws to justify the most or near greatest forms of invisible inequity.

The Duke Chronicle

An Open Response to Judge William H. Leary III

Justice is the search for truth, the search for equity with knowledge gained from prosecutors, defendants, society and history, but that search involves the lived experiences of women and men upended by systemic injustices, like fixed bail systems and mandatory minimum sentences, that have sent countless people of color to mass incarceration.