Opinion | Guest Columns

Kwon Feb 21.png

Statement to Duke’s Leadership and Faculty from the director of the Asian American Studies Program

I submit this statement as the Director of the new Asian American Studies Program and as a representative of the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies. I also submit this statement as an alumna of Trinity and a former student activist with a mandate from our current students, in the wake of the discriminatory biostatistics incident, to call Duke’s faculty and Duke’s leadership to action. 


Subject: Something else to think about...

We have had several hundred separate Duke students go to the meme page and ask if we had headshots of the faculty who chose to vilify international students. We, the International Association, were unable to provide them with the headshots of these faculty members. However, we decided to share with the larger Duke community some thoughts to reflect on. 


A response to hatred

Like many in the Duke and Durham community, I was deeply distressed to learn of last week’s appearances of white nationalist materials on campus.