Editorial Board

The Duke Chronicle

Alleviating the burden of weather

Students are becoming accustomed to receiving Duke Alerts at the first sign of rough weather conditions, and many began to wonder how long it would be before phones started to buzz as snow fell on...

The Duke Chronicle

FERPA wisely

Last month, a group of Stanford students publicized a discovery that FERPA rights can be invoked by students to gain access to their admissions files, complete with comments and evaluation.

The Duke Chronicle

Expand Duke's female faculty

According to a recent study reported on by The New York Times, male professors are more likely to be perceived as “brilliant,” whereas their female counterparts are cast negatively.

The Duke Chronicle

Town-gown relations

Durham neighborhood associations are urging Duke administrators and city officials to actively investigate several student-occupied houses near campus.

The Duke Chronicle

The search for truth

The Wisconsin state government’s recent discussion about removing “the search for truth” from the mission statement of its state university system is deeply misguided but not surprising.

The Duke Chronicle

Divest and divulge

Last Tuesday, the administration rejected Divest Duke’s proposal to remove investments from the top 200 publicly traded fossil fuel companies.

The Duke Chronicle

Reclaim failure

Business suits and interview folios descend upon campus as the most recent interview season begins—this one largely for summer consulting and finance positions.